Customising Mobble for your farm

At Mobble we aim to keep things flexible. Most lists in Mobble can be customised to suit your farm such as paddock types, breeds, genders, classes, mob and paddock action types, and ear tag colours. It can be worthwhile spending some time tailoring these lists to your needs, although if you forget anything, you’ll also be able to add to the lists as you enter records. 

Mobile and Web

  1. Head to the main menu
  2. Select Settings
  3. Select Classes, Types & Tags
  4. Select a list
  5. Select a list item to edit or delete, or select the green plus button to add
  6. Enter a new label text
  7. Select Add New
Get in contact with us directly at or call +61 481 614 546 for AU Mobblers or +642041208383 for NZ.

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Contact the Mobble team at
or give us a call!

PH +64 20 4120 8383

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