Histories, Filters and Summaries

All your Mobble data is quick and easy to view through histories, summaries and reports. Here’s where to find them. 

Mobile and Web

To access property history: 

  1. From the paddocks or mobs page, select the Event Log in the top right corner (graph icon)

To access paddock history: 

  1. Select Paddock from the menu
  2. Select a paddock you want history on
  3. Select Paddock Info
  4. Select History tab

To access mob history: 

  1. Select Mobs from the menu
  2. Select the mob you want history on
  3. Select View Mob
  4. Select History tab

You can filter these histories by selecting the Filter button in the top middle. You can also delete actions from the mob, paddock or property history. Just select the event, then select the pencil button in the top right hand corner.

To access summaries: 

  1. Head to the menu on the left 
  2. Select Summaries 


The menu is also where you can find Reports, including a livestock reconciliation report and a sales report. This is also where you can combine property information into one report via the property selector button in the top right.

To export data from Mobble, see our article on how to export and print off records

Get in contact with us directly at hello@mobble.io or call +61 481 614 546 for AU Mobblers or +642041208383 for NZ.

Not what you were looking for?

Contact the Mobble team at hello@mobble.io
or give us a call!

PH  +61 481 614 546

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