March 9, 2022

What 50 farmers had to say about farming and Mobble

The farming community is at the heart of what we do at Mobble - and we’re all about building community and a network of ‘Mobblers’ who can help shape the future of our farm management software through feedback. 

Towards the tail end of 2021, we conducted our first ever Mobbler Survey to gather info and feedback. The survey was sent out to our Mobble farmers to help us learn more about their farm story and ideas for how to make their lives easier and more successful with Mobble. 

From worthwhile investments to why farmers love the land and how Mobble is making a difference, our Mobblers weigh in on questions about their operation and outlook for the land. 

50 Mobblers. 7 Questions.  Here’s what we discovered:

Who are the biggest supporters in your farming business?

Where does your love for the land come from?

If you could travel to your farm 20 years in the future, what do you hope to see?

If you had a magic wand, which farm task would you make disappear?

What is one of the best or most worthwhile investments you’ve ever made for the farm besides Mobble?

In a few words, what does Mobble mean for you?

What has been the biggest difference Mobble has made on your farm?

If you’re already a Mobbler, I highly recommend for you to join the Mobble community on Facebook, a group of awesome farmers who want to help each other succeed! Click here to Get the most out of Mobble with the Mobble team!

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