April 9, 2021

Mobble News - Smarter tasks & farm maps

With Jock Lawrence

It’s been a busy month of building new features and revamping old ones in the Mobble app. Farmer feedback has been crucial for these new developments, and we’d like to give a massive thank you to all our Mobblers that have given us so much fantastic feedback over the years - without you, Mobble wouldn’t be where it is today.

  • Mobble’s farm tasks & reminders feature gets a revamp 🔔
  • Lots of improvements throughout the app, including increased offline functionality 📶
  • Thanks to our Mobble Farmer Community on Facebook, we’ve started work on the two most voted for features 🔨
  • Mobble usage has increased by 31% on our record in March 🎉

Mobble’s revamped farm tasks & reminders feature 🔔

With the new and improved ‘Tasks & Reminders’ feature, farmers can manage tasks in Mobble in a much more powerful way.

Task & Reminders in Mobble!
Task & Reminders in Mobble!

Farmers can now quickly visualise which paddocks have tasks to do, receive in-app reminders and notifications on due dates, and get an all-around better experience for organising and communicating tasks for the individual farmer or the farming team. See the below video for a complete rundown!

Other recent app updates include:

  • A way to record information on an individual animal or a small segment of a mob via Mob Actions 💉
  • Huge offline improvements and further functionality, especially for Android 📶
  • Notes sections for chemical and sales 📝
  • User experience improvements and bug fixes 🐛

What’s next?

Thanks to our Mobbler Farmer Community on Facebook, we’ve started work on the two most valued features voted on by our Mobblers. We’ve been making progress and are super proud of the team for what they’ve achieved in a short period. The two features we are currently working on are:

  • Days grazed, and days rested paddock counters for grazing management 🌱
  • Farm maps for business 🤠

The days grazed and days rested paddock counters will help farmers make more effective grazing decisions out in the field. This feature is already being tested and will be out benefiting Mobblers soon!

The farm map will be a massive help in communicating the property’s layout to employees, quickly showing their location out in the field. It will also act as a unique visual reference of current livestock numbers, show every paddock’s status, and be available offline for the mobile app. The map feature is currently in development, and we will keep everyone updated on our progress.

Onwards & upwards,

Jock Lawrence (Chief Mobbler)

p.s. If you have any ideas/feedback on what we should incorporate in our farm maps, let us know via our Mobble Farmer Community on Facebook - or send me an email directly at jock@mobble.io - any help is always appreciated 👍

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